Архивы по месяцам: Март 2015
Article about AI for computer driven opponents in Pure, ATV racing game. Outdated but may be interesting as principles. Press this link to go to source.
Что дал и что забрал стадион на Крестовском острове? Ничего пока не дал, потому что до сих пор недостроен. Что забрал? А забрал очень многое — нашу легендарную городскую трассу «Невское Кольцо», на которой с середины 20 столетия проводились городские, союзные и международные соревнования. Мне посчастливилось 2 раза присутствовать на […]
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyDrive. The another great opportunity to be used in python projects. Probably is the way to create some achievements system.
The processing of Nevaring has started today. The first stage is to define and separate the road itself. Then I gonna divide the whole track to details by layers to attach individual toon-styled materials & textures if required.
Neva Ring or Nevskoye koltso is the legendary track had been inviting a lot of local, federal & international racing events during the Soviet & post-Soviet period. And now I have the model of it in Blender. See the pic below: RFactor resources RFactor is well known realistic racing […]
хабр. Статья про ресурсы для инди разработчиков. Очень интересно и полезно. Изучаем. DESURA — интернет-магазин инди (и не только) игр. А вот что следует изучить глубже. Ибо indievania скончалась.
Today I’ve finished the Blender 2.73 tests implementing toon materials with special 2d filter with fat outlines. Now I can say I’m satisfyed with the picture & probably I will continue to work in this direction. The things I only should do is to install the 2d filter and play […]
I’m recently criticized for conservatism. For example, I still use Blender 2.49 while the actual version is 2.73… So I’ve decided to stop sounding laments about «how perfect was the 249» and start study the latest. Here I plan to post interesting points from Blender release notes. Randomly. Freestyle line […]