After several months of «total no time for gamedev», now I’m getting back to blender work again. In summer I’ve released DS 010. Now is mid-autumn and I prepare for the DS 020.
Inspite of I expected some gameplay enhancement, I re-decided to go towards graphixs altering.
In DS 010 I’ve experimented with 3d objects (houses) with oldstyle textures taken right from ZX games. I wasn’t happy with the result.
In DS 020 I’m trying to minimize the game, removing all the objects instead road, cars and horizon background as it was on original zx games.
For now I made needful changes for road parts, create the background and also now I understand how to redo the cameras action to make the camview connect good with the background. The task is to limit the camera’s X rotation (the same as limit camera Y movement towards the car). Now I’m thinking about radar implementing. If the cam is too close to car, the y-movement actuator make it go back…
But I don’t know now if it would work nice. The key of it is «smoothness»