CAE LINUX. Revelation for the Engineers This Ubuntu 12.04 based distributive is real engineer’s revelation filled with the most interesting and powerful projecting software. It isn’t hard to supply latest Ubuntu 14.04 with the same soft list, so I’ve decided to do it instead of replace my latest OS with […]
Архивы по годам: 2014
Трехмерное проектирование Мы проектируем металлоконструкции и стекло-алюминиевые фасады любой сложности. Основываясь на более чем 15 летнем опыте, мы используем самые современные методы и приемы работы с трехмерными объектами. «Строительство 3d» — наш основной принцип и лозунг. От проекта во многом зависит качество исполнения работ на объекте, ведь зачастую «бумажные» ошибки […]
<align=»justify»>It’s easy to play retro PC games on Ubuntu. Installing the amazing DosBox right from Ubuntu Software Center is really easy and painless operation even for novice. The problem will appear after installing. DosBox starts & works normally, but launching it you will see the blackscreen with Z drive mounted […]
Distrakt 0.20 work started. The main upgrade of this version is «GARAGE» — possibility to select the car before race. Screenshot of future game part is here now
According the OPEN PROJECTION concept we’ve just published full projects of our 2 vehicles for free common use on GRABCAD: RockFoxie 2.03 — The track-day roadster. RockFoxie 0.70 — The trike scooter. Feel free to look, download, share, use the whole model or any part of the project. Следуя концепции […]
RockFoxie 2.03 appeared as the result of 100% remaking of 2.02. The only details coming from previous version are front lights and 2108 knuckles. The main purposes of remodeling are: SIMPLIFICATION, REALISM & EFFEMINATION. We’re close to production now — the model to be converted to technical drawings soon. What’s […]
Skidrules|Burning Мы выпустили версию Skidrules|Burning 0.07. К 2м картам Sodi на картодроме Маяк добавлена Estonia-21 и наш вымышленный трек в реальном месте «Narva Gate Track» (Трасса у Нарвских ворот). Также мы добавили мини-геймплей. Для перехода на следующий уровень необходимо показать определенное время. Игру можно свободно скачать и протестировать.
RockFoxie unveiled the first image of its new racing scooter RF302. Second version of machine has a lot of difference in comparison with the first one. It’s completely new construction designed from scratch. Main points of 302 plot: 2 stroke engine with upper mount point extremely lowered height and center […]