Самые важные и интересные для меня заметки из архива журналов «За Рулём» за 1978-1983 года. В основном — формула «Эстер» (Б8-1300), но также присутствуют и просто интересные или ностальгические для меня материалы. Современные гоночные автомобили. Эстония 19. Формулы и группы. Проверяется в гонках ГЛ-1 Гоночные Вихуры Металэкс 1-03 Гоночный Днепр […]
Архивы по годам: 2014
It’s experiment of embeddinf the model inside my website’s post… And seems like it went good. Magnificent possibility of getting some 3d within the site! Thanx google
Some things happened with us in our childhood continuing affect us diring all the life time. These things are forming our minds, point of view, preferences etc. Sometimes these things are kinda pleasant backgroung of life — they’re really sweet memories. And remembering ’em one could immerse oneself into the […]
Za-Rulyom #2 1979 article about «Tallept-01» made by Soviet raceman & constructor Toomas Napa (Estonia) in 1977. That’s the Formula-Easter (B8-1300) racing car based at Estonia-18M but with upgraded steel frame & developed aerodynamic elements.
As I have 1983 Ford Fiesta MK1 I extremely interested in all info could be found in Za-Rulyom archives applying to this car. The article was found in Z-R 1977 #2. It looks like soviet auto media accepted the new Ford’s mini in a positive way. «A lot of money […]
Very useful article about Mercedes-Benz W123 Models in Za-Rulyom #4 1977 displaying principal technical data and fresh for that moment photos. Enjoy. W123 was up-to-date in 1977 The difference between W123 280 & 280E and all other models. Only 2.8L engined models originally had square front lights. Some dimentional data […]
MADI-01, MADI-02, MADI-03 http://www.zr.ru/archive/zr/1978/02/poiski-idiei-razrabotki#12 Estonia-19M http://www.zr.ru/archive/zr/1978/01/sovriemiennyie-ghonochnyie-i-sportivnyie-avtomobili#0 1977 Minsk CoF #82 http://www.zr.ru/archive/zr/1978/01/sovriemiennyie-ghonochnyie-i-sportivnyie-avtomobili-1#32
A very nice article in «Za Rulyom» (Behind the steering wheel) societ journal about 1977 London-Sydney rally. The marvellous 35000km rally-marathon was won by Mercedes 280E (W123). Second place took another Mercedes, third & fourth places — Citroen 2400CX. Fifth place was for Peugeot 504 & sixth again by Mercedes.
RONDEAUX M382 Lancia LC1 The mystery of «Ford Ozel Yapim» was solved yesterday with help of magic website racingsportscars.com. Great work. For some reason they add such info as car colors & team sponsors to database. So I’d entered «Ford, Otis, Sari» and got RONDEAU!!! You could get ’em there: […]
Everybody could make a mistake… Me too. I use to make a lot of mistakes during the gamedev process, because I experiment a lot, and because I don’t want to study other’s errors, preferring to suffer from my ones… It’s a hobby anyway. [World in a box] The pic below […]
Today I’ve updated the camera action & now I can post the first screenshot of Distrakt 0.30. That’s the way the game will look now. I made other cameras except the front bumper camera won’t be available anymore. Also I’ve added the invisible «floor» plane with restart scene actuator to […]
After several months of «total no time for gamedev», now I’m getting back to blender work again. In summer I’ve released DS 010. Now is mid-autumn and I prepare for the DS 020. Inspite of I expected some gameplay enhancement, I re-decided to go towards graphixs altering. In DS 010 […]
Instead of additional gameplay adding I’ve decided to develop the graphics of Distrakt-ZX. To make it look closer to classic games. For that I’ve posted here some screenshots of the games I love. To base on. 1. Lotus Esprit. Great city look. White buildings. Shadows as Dot patterns. Light poles, […]
Здесь собрана вся коллекция легендарных вкладышей “Турбо” второй серии (номера 51-120), которые вначале стали провозвестниками падения железного занавеса, а потом (~ до 1995 года) пользовались невероятной популярностью в постсоветской России и других странах Восточного блока. Каждый вкладыш подробно описан собственной статьёй. Full 2nd series collection of legendary “Turbo” bubble gum […]
Я участвую в гонках, более того, я чемпион Санкт-Петербурга 2013 года в классе «Сток»! Совершенно официально. Чемпионат Санкт-Петербурга организован компанией Мотодарт при поддержке Мотофедерации Санкт-Петербурга. Гонки — полноценная сфера моей деятельности, не смотря на то, что в настоящее время я — любитель. Поэтому мой сайт и имеет раздел «Гонки». Я […]