Draftsight on Ubuntu. Successful test! I’ve prepared the 2d drafts of RF404 using Draftsight 2015 Beta on Ubuntu. And I could say… DRAFTSIGHT worx! So let’s start the conversation about the nicest 2d CAD software for Linux. Drafting process of RF404 was painless and I had no any problem of adoptation to Draftcad. Switching from «Classic AutoCAD interface» to Draftcad is as seamless as it could ever be! I just draw as it was the famous Autodesk software.
Interface customization
The only thing I have some questions was the «Interface customization». Well you can easily customize you interface… but after the Drafcad restart you’ll see the default layout. Why because you should write the result of your customization with special way.

That’s not hard. Just add new interface, scroll down the «Toolbar» section below, press «show the toolbar navigator» & start drag-n-droppin’ according your favor!
Big docs problem
Draftsight installed on my computer (rather old notebook Lenovo i3, GF310, 3GB RAM) has the problem with performance. Cursor moves so slow and working gives no any pleasure. May be it’s just my configuration problem. Well I should notice that anyway