Everybody could make a mistake… Me too. I use to make a lot of mistakes during the gamedev process, because I experiment a lot, and because I don’t want to study other’s errors, preferring to suffer from my ones… It’s a hobby anyway. [World in a box] The pic below […]
Архивы по месяцам: Октябрь 2014
Today I’ve updated the camera action & now I can post the first screenshot of Distrakt 0.30. That’s the way the game will look now. I made other cameras except the front bumper camera won’t be available anymore. Also I’ve added the invisible «floor» plane with restart scene actuator to […]
After several months of «total no time for gamedev», now I’m getting back to blender work again. In summer I’ve released DS 010. Now is mid-autumn and I prepare for the DS 020. Inspite of I expected some gameplay enhancement, I re-decided to go towards graphixs altering. In DS 010 […]
Instead of additional gameplay adding I’ve decided to develop the graphics of Distrakt-ZX. To make it look closer to classic games. For that I’ve posted here some screenshots of the games I love. To base on. 1. Lotus Esprit. Great city look. White buildings. Shadows as Dot patterns. Light poles, […]
Здесь собрана вся коллекция легендарных вкладышей “Турбо” второй серии (номера 51-120), которые вначале стали провозвестниками падения железного занавеса, а потом (~ до 1995 года) пользовались невероятной популярностью в постсоветской России и других странах Восточного блока. Каждый вкладыш подробно описан собственной статьёй. Full 2nd series collection of legendary “Turbo” bubble gum […]